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Category: CSV
csv -> xlsx

I have a csv file which I need to process and export back to xlsx file.

For instance, the csv contains:

The other problem is that I have to format the output for each month. I.e:

John Smith, job-title, hours, 01-01-09, 01-15-09
John Smith, job-title, hours, 01-16-09, 01-31-09
Mary Smith job-title, hours, , 01-01-09, 01-31-09
John Smith, job-title, hours, 02-01-09, 02-15-09

The first two (the total for john Smith for January) have to be added up and displayed separately from John Smith for Feb and separately from Mary Smith
and exported to a spreadsheet.

Does anybody know how I would go about this?

I have heard that OpenOffice's spreadsheet program has modules that could perhaps do this?

I could also probably do this in php... I mean, if I imported the data to a db and then exported everything as I needed? But would this be overkill?

Thanks in advance for your comments :)

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